acceptedMeansOfPayment | MeansOfPaymentEnum
| 1 | Method(s) by which the user can make payments. In case of 'paymentCard' use AcceptedPaymentCards to specify more details. |
freeOfCharge | Boolean
| 4 | No fee at all. In this case, no further elements of the tariffs structure are needed. |
lastUpdated | DateTime
| 0 | The date/time at which this information was last updated. |
paymentAdditionalDescription | MultilingualString
| 3 | Additional description, for instance instructions or telephone number for paying by SMS. |
paymentMode | ParkingPaymentModeEnum
| 2 | Modes how to realize the payment ('payAndDisplay', 'payByPrepaidToken', ...). |
reservationFee | AmountOfMoney
| 5 | A fee for reservation, if this is uniform for all situations. Can also be 0 to indicate free reservations. This attribute does not indicate if reservation is available at all and/or mandatory. |
urlLinkAddress | Url
| 20 | A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) address pointing to a resource available on the Internet from where further relevant information may be obtained. |